We’ll color your world…and your hair!
Do you dream of that perfect hair color? If you’re not happy with the current shade of your hair or think that your natural color could simply use a refreshing boost, then our hair coloring services are just what you’ve been looking for!
What can we do for you? Some of our options include full color, ombre, and much more, including touch-ups on those pesky roots that grow in to showcase that natural color that you’ve been hiding!
Want a hair color that looks natural, one to cover up those grays, or even something more rainbow inspired that will help you stand out from the crowd? No matter what, at Style By Izzy, you’re in the right place!
All Over Color
Sometimes, you just want it all! All over color is exactly as it sounds. The hair color will be applied to your entire head, darkening, lightening, or brightening as desired. Depending on the shade that you’re looking for, some additional steps may be needed in order to lighten your current color, so your new, radiant one looks true to its sample. We can also add in bits of other colors, such as flecks of blond, in order to make your new color look as natural as can be. It all comes down to what you want. You’re calling the shots here!
Have you ever seen a beautiful picture of ombre hair cascading down a woman’s back in a magazine and wondered what it would look like on you? Well, we can make that a reality! The ombre dying technique requires the use of several different colors, taking your hair from dark at the roots to lighter at the ends, with some mid-range colors in the center. It’s truly a one-of-a-kind fabulous statement that other are sure to notice!
The results look as though you’ve spent a lot of time outdoors, so much that your ends have lightened in the process – only you don’t need to go outside at all. Once we’re finished, your hair will look just like you pictured…in all your pictures!
Toner can be a lifesaver! Sometimes, hair dye is followed up with a toner. Once the dye has set into each strand of hair and been rinsed out, a toner is used. The toner also sinks into the hair, adding shine and removing some brassiness from the overall color. Toner basically makes the new dye look natural and adds to its longevity, preventing fading from the outset. Not all hair dye needs to be followed with a toner, as it depends on many factors, from initial color to ideal color, but it is a useful finishing step that we love to use at Style by Izzy.
Root Touch-Ups
Touch-up? Yes, please! Hair color grows out. We’ve all been there, and there’s no way around it. But the good news is that the best thing you can do is use the proper care techniques, such as not shampooing every day to using a tinted shampoo that leaves some color behind, in order to make your favorite shade last longer.
Even then, however, you may end up with some growth at the roots that shows your natural color, making it clear that you’ve dyed your hair. The best solution? A root touch up. We’ll match your existing hair color and make it look as though you never had those mismatched roots in the first place. It’s that simple! Why? Because we love what we do!
You’re always in great hands at Style by Izzy!
Call us to make an appointment today.